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Spine-tipped leaves of Moschatel |
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The many faces of the Town-hall Clock |
Whilst the bitter winds this
March have held back much of spring, some plants seem to have paid no heed to
the cold. Many of these are woodland species that cannot afford to wait too
long as they will suffer from closing leafy canopies cutting out much needed
light. Walking this week through the local Penny’s Wood I was on the lookout
for these early emergers and was drawn to a clump of Fumitory-like foliage
carpeting an area at the base of a tree trunk. On closer inspection I noticed a
few innocuous tiny yellowy-green flowers, but was still none the wiser as to their
identity. At home I studied digital images I had taken using a macro lens and
noticed tiny spines at the end of each leaf. However more curious was the
arrangement of the flowers in cube-like formats at the end of long stalks with
four side faces and one facing upward to ‘heaven’ - the unique feature of the
plant, ‘Town-hall Clock’ (Adoxa moschatellina). It is
perhaps therefore not surprising that this flower has been considered a symbol of
Christian watchfulness (Martin, 1975). Now this is a plant that I have long
wanted to see with its unusual flowers, but I had not foreseen that it would
require a blown up image on a computer to recognise it. It is more commonly
called Moschatel named after its musk-like smell - from the French moscatelle, from Italian
moscatella, from moscato 'musk (Shorter Oxford English Dictionary). Other names
include Five-faced
Bishop and Muskroot.
is one of a very small family of plants that are globally
uncommon or rare (locally frequent to scarce throughout its U.K. range), and existing
in small fragmented populations. It would seem that not a great deal is known
about the ecology of this species. It flowers very early in the spring,
but the foliage persists most of the summer so it is not considered a spring
ephemeral. Holmes (2005) reports: that it is pollinated by a variety of
day-flying and night-flying insects, none of which seem specialized for this
species; flowering is sequenced for each cube flower unit, with
staged openings of the top flower followed by opposite pairs, which might
facilitate self-fertilisation. So this tiny flower remains very much a mystery
and probably hidden from perception by all but those with an inquisitive
botanical eye.
Holmes, D.S. (2005) Sexual reproduction in British populations of Adoxa
moschatellina L. Watsonia 25:265–273
W.K (1975) The Concise British Flora in Colour. Hong Kong: Ebury Press